21 October, 2016

2 Months at Site

Time as flied by recently, but I promise I am still alive and doing well. School is finally in full swing and even with the challenges of teaching a class with no previous experience to English (and teaching only in English), things continue to go well. I have begun to create a daily routine, consisting of waking up, working out, having a little breakfast, and off to school. I pass the next 3 hours teaching both the 6th and 5th year students (contrary to American system they count down starting at 6th grade, so 5th grade is equivalent to our 7th grade). Upon completion of my classes I begin my walk home. Before arriving to my house I make some stops to visit some friends in my village. The afternoon is normally spent completing some basic work at home or planning for the next day of school. Sometimes if time permits I take a walk within my village and the surrounding village. When evening comes I take a walk to visit a friend and return to spend the evening with my “host family”. Some evenings, when electricity is available, we will watch a film. Then off to bed to start the next day. On days when I am not in school I find myself keeping busy by visiting different friends within my village, visiting other volunteers, seeking out a new beach near me (or exploring a different village in the area), or taking a break in the capital. As of now things are going quite well, and I have managed to keep busy with many different activities. Every day I am embraced by a new experience and challenge at which I continue to face and overcome. Soon I will be partaking in a conference in the capital, where I connect with the other volunteers and we discuss our experience at site.

Until Then  

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