07 August, 2017

Library Project

After months of planning, working hard to establish the space, to painting, to putting the books up, finally I can say the Library of Hambou is now open for business. And of course non of this would've been possible without the help of my amazing community members, friends, and students. 

With all that being said, please enjoy pictures of our adventure in creating the Library of Hambou. 

Before Library Space

Before Reading Space

Measuring Windows

Fixing the structure

After tearing down beams 

Cementing time

Leveling the Floor

Finished Leveled Floor

Preparing for painting

Newly installed Windows


Adding some color to the space

Finished Painting

World Map Grid

Cleaning Up

Library Space Clean-Up

Mid-way Library Room

Mid-way Reading Room

Installing Bookshelves

Bookshelves Up

Bonus: Blackboard for the Reading Room

Getting help on the World Map Grid

Sketching Countries

Putting Books Up

Finished World Map

Books all in Place

Reading Room View 

Finished Library Space 

Reading Room View 2 

Opening ceremony 

After about 4 months of hard work the library has now become open to the 5 surrounding villages, and schools.

I want to thank everyone who supported the library in every way, and all those in my community who helped make this become a reality.

Lest's see what possibilities will come from the Library of Hambou.